
Kambô is a water, fire, earth and air medicine.

We combine the water that we drink before and during the treatment, the fire to burn open the welcome of the serum, the application of the serum of the earth, and the air of our breath to guide the alchemical transformation.

Old toxins are released, the heart and body are activated, and a deep clearing, cleansing and purifying is gifted to us!

Thank you Kambô!

We offer Kambô in group settings,
& in private circles by request.

Secure your space for Kambô

1. Intention

Please complete the The Earth Temple School of Shamanic Arts Application here.

If you have sat WITH US before, please email us your intention & updates. You do NOT need to fill out an application again. However, you are responsible to update us with any new and relevant information on your health, wellness, and intention.


2. Contribution

Your sacred contribution covers all the resources & energy that will be a part of your experience.

  • Kambô Circle
    1x1, $888-$1111/per person
    2+, $777/per person
    3-10, $333/per person

    You’re always welcome to contribute more to support this sacred work. We always tithe 10% of whatever comes through back to the tribes & the land that house these indigenous medicines.

In the notes of your contribution, please put these THREE ITEMS:

  1. Participants name

  2. FROG EMOJI (🐸)

  3. Date(s) attending, including the YEAR

PayPal - Send via Friends & Family - RevBrianaLynn@gmail.com

Zelle - WeAreListening@TheEarthTemple.com

Venmo - @TheEarthTemple


Your space is only reserved
when both steps are fully complete. 

Hold Your Place Policy:


If you cancel before 22 days before Circle, we will honor your contribution for another date or event. If it is less than that, your spot cannot be filled and the contribution goes towards the unused space. 

We all live the elements.

Fire, snow, floods, earthquakes.
If weather or other catastrophe prevents the entire group from being able to arrive at The Circle, we will honor your contribution for another date or event. If it only prevents a single participant from attending, contribution goes towards the unused space.

No refunds are given.

Emergencies may be an exception, at facilitator's discretion.

Thank you for understanding.

Our Circles Fill Quickly.

You are welcomed and encouraged to RSVP HERE for future Sacred Circle Dates.


We invite you to begin ceremony a minimum of 12 hours before we sit together.

Below are more details on how to prepare.

  1. Set your Intention (what do you want heal, create, celebrate) Mentally, Emotionally, Financially, Sexually, Spiritually?

  2. Fasting: minimum of 12 hours before our sit, make sure the only thing you are consuming is water. 2 hours before sit time, start drinking 2 liters of water, two liters must be complete by the time of our sit.

  3. Refill your water bottle and be ready to sit at our sit time.

  4. Bring your Sacred items (journal, personal blanket, shakers, crystals, etc.)

  5. Sit with Kambô in ceremony

  6. Closing Prayer

  7. Integration is incredibly important. Here are some resources to support your integration.
    Same Password.

  8. Make sure to plan a full day of rest and integration the day after Kambô.