The Earth Temple: Center of Prayer & School of Shamanic Arts Presents:

~ Initiation ~

A Sacred Circle Facilitator Training

We are honored to be on this sacred journey with you~


Initiation is for you if:

  • You have the calling to guardian, facilitate and/or be in deeper work with the Shamanic Arts ~
    Shadow Work (being with, digesting, expressing & WITNESSING - anger, grief, rage, loneliness, fear) & Shine Work (sharing their gifts, message & love)

  • This is for those who love & want to share the flora, fauna & fungi medicines in ritual & cerermony.

  • You want to explore the art of sacred, safe, freeing, inclusive & playful space holding.

  • You are wanting a safe space to explore deeper magic, shamanism, witchcraft through a NATURE AS TEACHER lens.

  • You have been doing the inner work for at least 5 years AND you desire to do this work in a collective.

  • You desire a training that is trauma-informed, aware of cultural appreciation & care, centering children, women, elders, the most vulnerable, the most oppressed & those who are here to deconstruct colonial, patriarchal capitalism.

The 4 modules we explore in Initiation:

Module 1 - EARTH

  • Prayer, Invocation & Your Rising Ritual

  • Intention Setting (“The Bookends”)

  • Protection Casting & SpellCasting 1.0

  • What is SpaceHolding?

  • The Presence Process 2.0

  • Nature as Teacher

  • Trauma-Informed Space Holding

Module 2 - AIR

  • Shamanic Drumming

  • Song & Sound, Toning as Healing

  • Tuning forks & the power of sonic vibration

  • UEM - Universal Energy Medicine for healing the body, mind & soul, & expanding all energetic possibilities

  • Scope of Work & Ethics

Module 3 - FIRE

  • Shamanic Movement & the Temple of Your Body

  • Dance as Prayer

  • Passion, Purpose, Anger & Rage

  • Food and the healing power of fasting (diet for most traditional Plant Medicine Ceremonies)

  • Emergency Situations in Shamanic Settings

Module 4 - WATER

  • The Art & Science of Integration

  • Honoring all of the human experience

  • Integrating our work into work with the planet

  • What is true integration?

  • Why is the THE MOST IMPORTANT PRACTICE (“The Bookends”)

  • How to honor the linages you have learned from

We go through each module, one month at a time.

This is a 9 Month Course is focused on the EMBODIMENT of the learnings.
8 Months we are in ACTIVE learning & sharing.
Our final month will be Integration~

We will go at the pace of the group, meaning there may be times when we need to address what is alive in the group, rather than the regularly scheduled curriculum.

We are NOT just teaching skills.
in order for you to EMBODY the WISDOM of sacred, safe space holding.

Meet the Teaching Council
We will have at least 2 for live teaching
& a few recorded teachings as well~

Training Format

  • 10+ Live 1.5 hr Zoom COUNCIL aprox. every other week
    (some skipped weeks due to holidays)

  • 10+ Videos or Resources, “LOVE LECTURES”
    Released every other week.

  • 2 - In-person Training Weekends
    4-days, 3-nights, Thursday - Sunday held at The Earth Temple, a beautiful location in nature, in Southern California.

    All supplies, lodging & food are included.
    Transportation, flights or car travel is not included.
    Fly into LAX or Ontario Airport.
    April 24-27, 2025 & August 28-31, 2025

    This training is open to 8 individuals for all included (online + in-person trainings), plus an additional 3-5 online only.
    This space will be kept VERY intimate.
    We will have guardians from last year’s Initiation supporting our space as well.


All contributions can be sent through Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, or Debit/Credit Card.


Your contribution is a TAX WRITE OFF as a DONATION to our Church, The Earth Temple, 501c3

Contribute in full: $8,888
Contribute Monthly: $1222

If you need another contribution plan option, please write us. It is our joy to NOT turn anyone away only due to lack of funds.


& Classroom Space

All of our Zoom Ceremony’s will be here ~ (PW: 333)

Zoom COUNCIL Schedule:
Thursdays, 11-12:30p OR 5:30-7:30pPT
(TBD by the demographic of our Initiates)

All of our classroom material will stored on Mighty Networks.
You get to be a member (Oracle) of Liberation Mystery School to qualify for Initiation. Learn more about Liberation Mystery School, here.


If you are feeling a yes~
If you have any more questions~
If you want to talk about a financial situation~
If you desire to be a part of Initiation in ANY WAY~